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Meet the Founders of Top Social Media Giants !

Ever wondered who’s behind your favorite social media platforms? In this articles, we explore the minds and visionaries who created today’s biggest social networks. From Facebook to TikTok, we reveal the founders and their journeys in building platforms that connect billions worldwide. Watch to discover the stories and strategies that made these entrepreneurs legendary!

Meet the Founders of Top Social Media Giants!
Social Media PlatformFounder(s)Year Founded
ShapchatEvan SpiegelLaunch 2011
ViberTalmon MarcoLaunch 2010
ShapchatEvan SpiegelLaunch 2011
SignalBrian ActonLaunch 2010
BadooAndrey AndreevLaunch 2016
TinderW. Wolfe HerdLaunch 2012
TumblrDavid KarpLaunch 2007
WechatAllen ZhangLaunch 2011
ShareChatAnkush SachdevaLaunch 2015
DiscordJason CitronLaunch 2015
LikeeJason HuLaunch 2017
PinterestBen SilbermannLaunch 2010
QuoraAdam D’AngeloLaunch 2010
HappanDidier RappaportLaunch 2014
LovooF. BraunschweigLaunch 2011
Musical.lyAlex ZhuLaunch 2014
MyspaceTom AndersonLaunch 2007
RedditSteve HuffmanLaunch 2005
BumbleWhitney Wolfe HerdLaunch 2014
FlickrStewart ButterfieldLaunch 2004
SkypeNiklas ZennstromLaunch 2003
KaskusAndrew DarwisLaunch 1999
KakaotalkKim Beom-SooLaunch 2010
LinkesinReid HoffmanLaunch 2003
ZoomEric YuanLaunch 2011
VKPavel DurovLaunch 2016
LineHae Jin LeeLaunch 2011
TwitterJack DorseyLaunch 2006
TelegramPavel DurovLaunch 2013
Tik TokZhang YimingLaunch 2016
WhatsappJan KoumLaunch 2009
InstagramKevin SystromLaunch 2010
FacebookMark ZuckerbergLaunch 2004
YoutubeSteve Chen, Jawed Karim, Chad HurleyLaunch 2005